1. Non-Contact Cleaning: Laser cleaning operates without physical contact, preventing wearand tear during the cleaning process. This feature is especially advantageous for maintain-ing high precision on the object's surface.
2.High Precision and Control: Laser beam focus is meticulously controlled, enabling thetargeted removal of contaminants from specific areas while leaving surrounding regionsunaffected.
3.Chemical-Free Process: Laser cleaning is a purely physical method, eliminating the needfor chemical solvents or cleaning agents. This not only avoids chemical pollution but alsosidesteps concerns related to waste disposal.
4.Energy-Efficiency and Environmental Friendliness: Laser cleaning typically consumes lessenergy compared to traditional methods, and it generates minimal wastewater or exhaustgases, aligning with eco-friendly practices.
5.Versatility Across Materials: Laser cleaning's applications span various materials, showcasingremarkable adaptability.